Who are “bears” and “otters”?

Queer Media Rainbow
3 min readApr 22, 2024


There are two whole articles here, so you choose which is better. But they are both true.

1st article:

In today’s LGBT+ community, there are a variety of terms that help people express their sexual orientation, gender identity and social interactions. However, among these terms, “bears” and “otters” have gained particular popularity. But who are they and what do they mean in the context of LGBT+ culture?

The expression “bears” refers to a group of people in the LGBT+ community who are often characterized by their appearance and are stimulated by masculine or even rugged traits. Visually, “bears” are usually described as males with a bear-like build: they have a large figure, furry or hairy bodies, and sometimes a somewhat rough appearance. However, it is important to note that the very description of “bears” can vary from person to person, and everyone feels involved in this group in their own way.

Along with the “bears” in the LGBT+ community, there are “otters”, which are a subgroup of gay or bisexual people. Unlike “bears”, “otters” are characterized by less rugged traits and are usually described as younger males with an active and playful energy. The otter’s appearance may be slimmer without excess weight, and they may generally have less body hair than bears.

Both terms, “bears” and “otters,” were often used in the LGBT+ community to describe different subgroups of gay and bisexual people and to create their own identity and culture. They help people in the areas of their self-determination and interaction with others.

However, it is important to understand that these terms are just one of many ways of expression within the LGBT+ community, and not all people are involved in these groups or describe themselves in this way. Everyone has the right to their own unique expression and does not have to conform to any stereotypes or metaphors.

Ultimately, bears and otters are just two terms among many expressions and identities within the LGBT+ community. They help people more accurately identify their feelings and images, and also find others like themselves, creating a space for understanding and interaction within the community.

2nd article:

Bears and otters are two related categories used in the LGBT+ community to identify gay men.

“Bear” is a term that arose in the late 20th century to describe a subset of gay subculture whose members identified with the symbolism of the bear. Bears tend to be more muscular in appearance and have a rugged physical presence, although not all members of this group fit these stereotypes. The term “bear” was used solely for subcultural purposes to reinforce gay men’s identification with bear symbolism.

The otter, on the other hand, is another subgroup among gay men that is also identified by its appearance and certain personality traits. Although bears and otters are rarely considered to be mutually exclusive groups, the characteristics and identification of these categories can independently overlap. Otters are typically characterized by a youthful and youthful appearance, with copious amounts of hair on the head and face, and also tend to have a leaner build compared to bears.

However, it is important to note that the terms “bear” and “otter” in the LGBT+ community are not universal and are not necessarily used by all gay men. They are offered as ways of self-identification that help some people gain a sense of belonging and acceptance within a subcultural context. Every person has the right to choose whether to recognize or not recognize such terms.

Research and discussion within the LGBT+ community is conducted to understand and appreciate the wide range of identifications and self-representations among gay subcultures. They are intended to create a space for self-expression and inclusion, not to limit or define one true way of identification. Ultimately, the main goal of the LGBT+ community is respect and acceptance of each individual identity and self-determination.

